CiSf OpenHand Font

by KineticPlasma Fonts


25 font family styles

Regular Style

CiSf OpenHand
postscript 138 glyphs 135 characters

Blak Style

CiSf OpenHand Black
postscript 138 glyphs 135 characters

BlakExt Style

CiSf OpenHand Black Extended
postscript 138 glyphs 135 characters

BlakExtObl Style

CiSf OpenHand Black Extended Oblique
postscript 138 glyphs 135 characters

BlakObl Style

CiSf OpenHand Black Oblique
postscript 138 glyphs 135 characters

BlakOpObl Style

CiSf OpenHand Black OppositeOblique
postscript 138 glyphs 135 characters

Bd Style

CiSf OpenHand Bold
postscript 138 glyphs 135 characters

BdExt Style

CiSf OpenHand Bold Extended
postscript 138 glyphs 135 characters

BdExtObl Style

CiSf OpenHand Bold Extended Oblique
postscript 138 glyphs 135 characters

BdObl Style

CiSf OpenHand Bold Oblique
postscript 138 glyphs 135 characters

BdOpObl Style

CiSf OpenHand Bold OppositeOblique
postscript 138 glyphs 135 characters

Ext Style

CiSf OpenHand Extended
postscript 138 glyphs 135 characters

ExtObl Style

CiSf OpenHand Extended Oblique
postscript 138 glyphs 135 characters

Gls Style

CiSf OpenHand Glass
postscript 138 glyphs 135 characters

GlsObl Style

CiSf OpenHand Glass Oblique
postscript 138 glyphs 135 characters

Hln Style

CiSf OpenHand Hairline
postscript 138 glyphs 135 characters

HlnExt Style

CiSf OpenHand Hairline Extended
postscript 138 glyphs 135 characters

HlnExtObl Style

CiSf OpenHand Hairline Extended Oblique
postscript 138 glyphs 135 characters

HlnObl Style

CiSf OpenHand Hairline Oblique
postscript 138 glyphs 135 characters

HlnOpObl Style

CiSf OpenHand Hairline OppositeOblique
postscript 138 glyphs 135 characters

Obl Style

CiSf OpenHand Oblique
postscript 138 glyphs 135 characters

OpObl Style

CiSf OpenHand OppositeOblique
postscript 138 glyphs 135 characters

Squ Style

CiSf OpenHandSquished
postscript 138 glyphs 135 characters

SquObl Style

CiSf OpenHandSquished Oblique
postscript 138 glyphs 135 characters

SquOpObl Style

CiSf OpenHandSquished OppositeOblique
postscript 138 glyphs 135 characters
    KineticPlasma Fonts avatar

    About CiSf OpenHand Font

    This Handwriting style font has a large number of weights and variants.

    Report Font

    Related Styles


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