5x5 Dots Font
About 5x5 Dots Font
5x5 Dots Font is a Dots font and was created on . Since then, it has been downloaded 13,870 times and added to 67 collections. 3 people have liked 5x5 Dots Font and given it a thumbs up.
5x5 Dots Font was recently updated on Sep 10, 2007
2 font family styles
Regular Style
![5x5 Dots](https://see.fontimg.com/api/rf5/Wy1v/MDdiMjM4ZWYzMGUxNGNlMGE4MDkxNmY4NjgyNzljYzMudHRm/NXg1IERvdHM/5x5-dots.png?r=fs&h=65&w=1000&fg=000000&bg=FFFFFF&tb=1&s=65)
truetype 138 glyphs 175 characters
Outline Regular Style
![5x5 Dots Outline](https://see.fontimg.com/api/rf5/ax09/M2NlZmVhOGQ4ZTA4NGI1MTk3ZDE0MmQ5Y2MyMTFkMjcudHRm/NXg1IERvdHM/5x5-dots-outline.png?r=fs&h=65&w=1000&fg=000000&bg=FFFFFF&tb=1&s=65)
truetype 138 glyphs 175 characters
License Info
A very good font!