Blue Custard Font

About Blue Custard Font
Blue Custard Font is a Bluey font and was created on . Since then, it has been downloaded 1,364 times and added to 23 collections. 2 people have liked Blue Custard Font and given it a thumbs up.
Blue Custard Font was recently updated on Aug 24, 2024
Regular Style

More info from rockcake
This font was inspired by the font used extensively in the (wonderful) children's television series "Bluey", Happy Headline. As far as I could see at the time of making my homage, there was no way for fans of the show to make their own Bluey-inspired stuff (party invitations, drawings, letters to grandparents etc.) without paying a moderate sum of money for the original font or using an illegal copy of it - so I set out to teach myself the basics of typography, and make a 'cheap and cheerful' font that could be used instead.
So, please use this font to make someone happy, and if it does, please make a small donation to a charity of your choice if you can (if you can't think of one, how about Red Cross, Medecins Sans Frontieres, Oxfam, or UNHCR?). If you want to use it for commercial purposes (though goodness knows why you would), make a small-to-moderate donation to charity - or buy a commercial font!
The name of this font comes from the show "Bluey", and the alternative Australian rock band of one of the main voice actors in it, Dave McCormack (Custard - check them out sometime if you haven't already, they're great!).
Font created with FontForge (, and dedicated to all parents & carers doing their best for their kids.
rockcake aka TG
( - constructive feedback is appreciated!)
v01.01 (Aug 2022): initial release