Bold Lining Font
About Bold Lining Font
Bold Lining Font is a Fun font and was created on . Since then, it has been downloaded 3,027 times and added to 158 collections. 5 people have liked Bold Lining Font and given it a thumbs up.
Bold Lining Font was recently updated on Jul 30, 2020
Regular Style
More info from Typesthetic Studio
Bold Lining is a bold and playful, but also elegant handwritten font. It has beautiful and neat characters and as a result, it matches a wide pool of designs.
This font is perfect for many different project such as logos, branding, social media, crafty DIY projects or anything.
NOTE: This demo font is for PERSONAL USE ONLY! But any donation are appreciated.
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Link to purchase full version and commercial license:
If you need a custom license please contact us at:
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