Boyz R Gross Font
About Boyz R Gross Font
Boyz R Gross Font is a Typewriter font and was created on . Since then, it has been downloaded 11,177 times and added to 276 collections. 8 people have liked Boyz R Gross Font and given it a thumbs up.
Boyz R Gross Font was recently updated on Mar 8, 2010
3 font family styles
Regular Style
truetype 171 glyphs 394 characters
Boyz R Gross NF Style
truetype 215 glyphs 221 characters
Boyz R Gross Shadow NF Style
truetype 215 glyphs 221 characters
More info from Nick's Fonts
I really like Robotic Attack Fonts’ freeware offering, Girls Are Weird. Unfortunately, the original font is very light in weight, hence only usable at very large sizes. My version adds several pounds without obfuscating the font’s inimitable charm.
License Info
Related Styles
13 years agoI love this font, thanks! 😃
almost 11 years agothanks niceeee
Based on Girls are Weird by Robotic Attack Fonts