Captain Swabby Font
About Captain Swabby Font
Captain Swabby Font is a Cartoon font and was created on . Since then, it has been downloaded 6,721 times and added to 121 collections. 2 people have liked Captain Swabby Font and given it a thumbs up.
Captain Swabby Font was recently updated on Mar 9, 2010
2 font family styles
Regular Style
truetype 206 glyphs 222 characters
CaptainSwabby Style
truetype 166 glyphs 394 characters
More info from Nick's Fonts
Here’s a really fun font, based on an untitled alphabet designed by German typemeister Otto Heim in 1925. The playful characters reminded me of 30’s cartoons, so I named the font after the host of an afternoon kids’ program that aired on local television in Dallas back in the 50’s (have we covered enough decades?).
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