Caslon Font
About Caslon Font
Caslon Font is a Times New Roman font and was created on . Since then, it has been downloaded 38,030 times and added to 320 collections. 9 people have liked Caslon Font and given it a thumbs up.
Caslon Font was recently updated on Feb 15, 2012
3 font family styles
Bold Style
truetype 1573 glyphs 1699 characters
Italic Style
truetype 1306 glyphs 1461 characters
Roman Style
truetype 3512 glyphs 3684 characters
More info from George Williams
Caslon is a serif font (designed by William Caslon in 1734), it's not a bad copy of times, it's a bad copy of something else.
License Info
SIL Open Font License (OFL)
I have been looking for a font just like this. Thank you.