Chirumiru Papercut Font
About Chirumiru Papercut Font
Chirumiru Papercut Font is a Japanese font and was created on . Since then, it has been downloaded 4,269 times and added to 110 collections. 11 people have liked Chirumiru Papercut Font and given it a thumbs up.
Chirumiru Papercut Font was recently updated on Jul 19, 2019
Bold Style
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Chirumiru Papercut Font is a Japanese pop font akin to the paper cut-outs. The alphabets and the kana characters are original, while the other glyphs (including Kanji) were borrowed from the open source font, Genshin Gothic.
NOTE: Genshin Gothic is a font that derives from M+ OUTLINE FONTS and Source Han Sans.
※源真ゴシックは、M+ OUTLINE FONTSと源ノ角ゴシックの派生物のフォントです