Crossword Font

Eric Perlin avatar

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About Crossword Font

Crossword Font is a Crossword font and was created on . Since then, it has been downloaded 10,053 times and added to 159 collections. 10 people have liked Crossword Font and given it a thumbs up.

Crossword Font was recently updated on Sep 8, 2007

Regular Style

truetype 95 glyphs 104 characters
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    More info from Eric Perlin

    This font is designed for the creation of crossword puzzles. Now you don't need to buy any special software programs to create a crossword puzzle. All you need to create a professional-looking crossword puzzle is this font and any standard word processing or publishing program.

    The keys are mapped from 1 to 92.

    To get a blank square, type the tilda (~) left of the number 1. To get a solid black square, type the same key while holding the shift key.

    Keys 1 through 9 are mapped as numbered squares 1 through 9. From there, follow the keys in a standard keyboard from left to right to get the rest of the numbers. EVERY character key is utilized. The lowercase p is mapped to square 22, and the key right of the p, the opening square bracket, is mapped to 23.

    The last key, the forward slash (/), is mapped to 46. For numbers 47-92, go back to the 1 key and follow the same sequence, but this time while holding down the shift key.

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    user avatar
    14 years ago

    oh, yeah! why didn't i think of that? because it's my first time to see the font!!!

    user avatar
    almost 4 years ago

    This will be something to exercise my brain cells during Covid-19 lock-down. Stay Healthy. Blessings from Port Huron, Michigan.