Dai Banna SIL Font
About Dai Banna SIL Font
Dai Banna SIL Font is a Chinese font and was created on . Since then, it has been downloaded 2,803 times and added to 57 collections. 4 people have liked Dai Banna SIL Font and given it a thumbs up.
Dai Banna SIL Font was recently updated on Feb 13, 2012
8 font family styles
Regular Style

Bold Style

Bold Italic Style

Italic Style

Dai Banna SIL Light Style

Dai Banna SIL Light Bold Style

Dai Banna SIL Light Bold Italic Style

Dai Banna SIL Light Italic Style

More info from SIL International
Dai Banna SIL is a Unicode font package for rendering New Tai Lue (Xishuangbanna Dai) characters.1 It includes a complete set of New Tai Lue consonants, vowels, tones, and digits, along with punctuation and other useful symbols. A basic set of Latin glyphs, including Arabic numerals, is also provided. Apart from a few New Tai Lue characters and Chinese punctuation marks, the design is the same as its predecessor, SIL Dai Banna Fonts. Two font families, differing only in weight, allow for a wide range of uses
The New Tai Lue script is used by approximately 300,000 people who speak the Xishuangbanna Dai language in Yunnan, China. It is a simplification of the Tai Tham (Old Tai Lue) script as used for this language for hundreds of years.
We particularly thank the Dai News Department of Xishuangbanna Daily for valuable advice during the development of this Unicode font package. Xishuangbanna Daily, established since 1957, is the largest newspaper company in Yunnan, China that publishes in the New Tai Lue script.