Egmont New Font

About Egmont New Font
Egmont New Font is a Swedish font and was created on . Since then, it has been downloaded 1,459 times and added to 23 collections. 6 people have liked Egmont New Font and given it a thumbs up.
Egmont New Font was recently updated on Jan 2, 2016
6 font family styles
Regular Style

truetype 198 glyphs 242 characters
Bold Style

truetype 198 glyphs 242 characters
Bold Italic Style

truetype 195 glyphs 242 characters
Italic Style

truetype 195 glyphs 242 characters
Egmont Text Light Style

truetype 195 glyphs 242 characters
Thick Style

truetype 197 glyphs 242 characters
More info from 538Fonts
Two new Egmont fonts New and Text have been created from scratch and by me.
License Info
Freeware, Non-Commercial
Commercial licenses
Contact the designer to purchase a commercial license, if needed.
Related Styles

9 years ago@629Lyric I didn't have time to make the "at" sign myself.
Why do I get the sudden feeling that you used some characters from my Nick Playoffs font in "Egmont Text"?