FF Nosebleed Font
About FF Nosebleed Font
FF Nosebleed Font is a Condensed font and was created on . Since then, it has been downloaded 5,155 times and added to 114 collections. 6 people have liked FF Nosebleed Font and given it a thumbs up.
FF Nosebleed Font was recently updated on Sep 18, 2007
Normal Style
More info from Frankenfonts
This font is modeled after the hand-inked text found in The Cult's "family tree" poster found as a promotional item, and reproduced in various publications including a guitar sheet music book (for the Sonic Temple album) and a promotional cd insert. The original poster was created by Pete Frame for Beggars Banquet, the record label. I assume it is his handwriting I have reproduced in this font. The first version of this font was released 6/5/2001 (and named Ed Banger) in honor of The Cult's new album, Beyond Good And Evil, released the same day.
The font is named FF-Nosebleed because:
A) All my fonts will begin with FF to indicate they come from Frankenfonts.
B) Ed Banger & The Nosebleeds is the first band listed in the "family tree" in question.
C) I thought the characters looked more like the way a nosebleed runs than anything I could picture from "Ed Banger"