Folder Retro Font

Folder Retro Font
celciusdesigns avatar

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About Folder Retro Font

Folder Retro Font is a Disco font and was created on . Since then, it has been downloaded 254 times and added to 9 collections. 0 people have liked Folder Retro Font and given it a thumbs up.

Ultra Expanded Style

Folder Free Ultra Expanded
truetype 341 glyphs 258 characters
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    More info from celciusdesigns

    A retro curve condensed font with round corners embodies a nostalgic charm, blending vintage aesthetics with modern simplicity. Its condensed letterforms save space while maintaining legibility, making it ideal for bold headlines and stylish posters.

    The smooth, rounded corners add a soft, approachable feel, evoking warmth and playfulness. Perfect for retro-themed designs, this font channels the essence of mid-century style, with sweeping curves and streamlined shapes reminiscent of classic signage, advertisements, and packaging. Its unique balance of compact structure and flowing lines ensures versatility, seamlessly adapting to both digital and print media, giving designs a timeless yet trendy appeal.

    Folder.otf - ttf
    Folder.ttf variable
    Lowercase & Uppercase
    Multilanguage Support (Latin Simple)
    Stylistic Alternates
    Ligatures : ꝏ ii ta ST TI TL TT To it Li iti STA SS STI LO ifi STO STU tt fo FF EE FI rf TH HT fi de ze te ay OO is ra la ff st Ch Lu STa STe St Ti ab ah ak az cb ch ci cr ct cu cy ek ey ez ib ih ik ist iy ke ki ku le li lo oh ok os oy oz re rg ri rj ro ru ry si ss tc th ti tm tn to tu ty ub uh uk us uy uz za zi zo zu
    Happy Designing

    Fortunes Studio

    License Info

    Freeware, Non-Commercial


    Commercial licenses

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