Gabbaland Font
About Gabbaland Font
Gabbaland Font is a Yo Gabba Gabba font and was created on . Since then, it has been downloaded 48,438 times and added to 179 collections. 23 people have liked Gabbaland Font and given it a thumbs up.
Gabbaland Font was recently updated on Dec 6, 2012
Regular Style
truetype 122 glyphs 240 characters
More info from seantrowbridge
Inspired by the children's TV show Yo Gabba Gabba! Check the full character map for all the hand-drawn shapes as well as alternate versions of the A,B,G characters.
EDIT (Dec. 2012): I have found some new sources and will be making updates to some of the characters. I find these on official DVDs and other products.
License Info
Freeware, Non-Commercial
Commercial licenses
Contact the designer to purchase a commercial license, if needed.
Thank you 😄