Gageda Font
About Gageda Font
Gageda Font is a Cherokee font and was created on . Since then, it has been downloaded 1,384 times and added to 9 collections. 3 people have liked Gageda Font and given it a thumbs up.
Gageda Font was recently updated on Apr 11, 2015
ExtraBold Style

More info from Chung-deh Tien
This is a Cherokee Unicode font. Gageda means big or large in Cherokee. this is my bold display font for the Cherokee usage. You kind of see this "style" of font in allot of places now-a-days.
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Tien, this is a smart, wonderful, simply complex font. Deceptively simple, but very cleverly detailed. I love this one a lot! Well done!

the spacing between the Cherokee syillables was a bit too wide. i shorted it. latest update 9/26/2013

@BossRadioDJ thank you BossRadioDJ.

minor changes/ update to kerning. here and there.
i am getting ready to work on "Gageda old" as in jsequoyah's first set of syllables will be done in Gageda. it will not replace Gageda it will be just another addition to it.

Minor changes/update to kerning. Mostly here and there.
I am getting ready to work on "Gageda old" as in Sequoyah's first set of syllables will be done in Gageda.
It will not replace Gageda. It will be just another addition.

i just updated this font.
the update was the kerning.
the kerning was really bad before. i didn't put the time into it. i'm very sorry for that.
please check it out now.
the new version should be good. no kerning problems regarding the Cherokee syllables.
thank you for your patients.
i will be going back to work on "little john" font.
like all fonts i have and will do here. i will keep up to date with revised version as soon as i get to it.