Garton Font

About Garton Font
Garton Font is a French font and was created on . Since then, it has been downloaded 159,872 times and added to 1,493 collections. 40 people have liked Garton Font and given it a thumbs up.
Garton Font was recently updated on Aug 31, 2007
Normal Style

truetype 106 glyphs 123 characters
More info from David Rakowski
Based on the Morris Benton 1918 American classic, Announcement Roman.
License Info
Commercial licenses
Contact the designer to purchase a commercial license, if needed.
Related Styles

11 years agoClean, not too chunky 😄
11 years agoLove this font!!! I would like to know how to get permission to use it for a logo. I have a ministry/store called Could you please let me know asap what I need to do to be able to use it? Thank you! 😄

10 years agoLooks like font used for credits in "Life Of Pi" film. Wish it had hanging numerals. Otherwise PERFECT!
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