Gladifilthefte Font
About Gladifilthefte Font
Gladifilthefte Font is a Car font and was created on . Since then, it has been downloaded 99,780 times and added to 1,039 collections. 15 people have liked Gladifilthefte Font and given it a thumbs up.
Gladifilthefte Font was recently updated on Nov 27, 2024
Gladifilthefte Style
More info from Tup Wanders
My dad used to smoke a lot of cigarettes in the sixties, back when it was still perfectly healthy. I fondly remember the pretty boxes they came in, with gold leaf lettering, chic colors and a plastic wrap that would stick to your fingers. I really liked those tall, stylish letters they used for the brands, so I made this font to look like I remember them.
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@LiviG Did you even read the description? You'll find out why ...
@fontspace sorry i am a bit thick!!! thanks i understand now!!! EMBARRASSING!!!
Both my parents smoked for many years also back when smoking was healthy and cool. Later on, my parents would point their fingers (clutching cigarettes) in my face - almost touching my nose - and warn me not to start smoking because it wasn't good for you. They both quit smoking in their elder years, not because they wanted to but because smoking became so restricted and they refused to be relegated to "designated smoking areas" and the like. My mother died of cancer five years ago and my father has cancer now.
I wish the tobacco industry and the FDA could be sued for false advertising and incompetence and negligence. 😞
You have a lovely font. Really. The slant gives it so much energy, and the unusual shapes of some characters, especially G and M, 3 5 9, make a really interesting read.
I typed in cigareetes because i am doing a health project on them and this came up!! how is this anything like a cigarette!!! STUPID!!!!!! >:(