Guinness Extra Stout Font
About Guinness Extra Stout Font
Guinness Extra Stout Font is a Chunky font and was created on . Since then, it has been downloaded 7,074 times and added to 126 collections. 5 people have liked Guinness Extra Stout Font and given it a thumbs up.
Guinness Extra Stout Font was recently updated on Mar 18, 2010
2 font family styles
Regular Style
truetype 117 glyphs 394 characters
Guinness Extra Stout NF Style
truetype 214 glyphs 220 characters
More info from Nick's Fonts
This font is based on more typographic musings circa 1938 from those masters of the Really Fat Face, Paul Carlyle and Guy Oring, who also provided the inspiration for Tara Bulbous. Named, of course, after that very fine porter from St. James Gate, Dublin, this font demands attention — and gets it.
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