Inconsolatazi4varl_qu Font
About Inconsolatazi4varl_qu Font
Inconsolatazi4varl_qu Font is a Terminal font and was created on . Since then, it has been downloaded 2,806 times and added to 43 collections. 5 people have liked Inconsolatazi4varl_qu Font and given it a thumbs up.
Inconsolatazi4varl_qu Font was recently updated on May 31, 2017
2 font family styles
Bold Style
Regular Style
More info from MirBSD
Superb monospaced OpenType font for print, also available in LaTeX with:
This is a variant of the Teχ variant of Raph Levien’s Inconsolata font, with upright ASCII quotes (‘'’ and ‘"’), a ‘l’ minuscle distinguishable from ‘I’/‘1’, and, most importantly, a digit zero (‘0’) with a stroke correctly through it from bottom-left to top-right.
I’ve created this font, as a derivative (for which I am the copyright holder) under a different font family name (“Inconsolata zi4(varl,varqu)”) following the OFL, in order to be able to use the same monospaced font I use in LaTeX documents in other applications that support TrueType fonts but not the OpenType features needed to enable the ss0x tables in the original font (such as MuseScore and OpenOffice/LibreOffice). I’ve also fixed some minor bugs in the fonts.
The “Regular” font is published under the SIL OFL 1.1, whereas the “Bold” font (even though being a derivative thereof) is published under the Apache v2 licence. My own contributions are dual-licenced under Ⓕ The MirOS Licence.