KG Teacher Helpers Font

About KG Teacher Helpers Font
KG Teacher Helpers Font is a Boxes font and was created on . Since then, it has been downloaded 30,034 times and added to 314 collections. 15 people have liked KG Teacher Helpers Font and given it a thumbs up.
KG Teacher Helpers Font was recently updated on Sep 25, 2014
Regular Style

More info from Kimberly Geswein
This handy helper is created just for teachers. Use the letter boxes, number line helper, base ten blocks, multiple lined writing options, and touch numbers to help you create printables for your classroom.
Your download will include a handy guide to help you understand how to use this font most effectively.
Free for personal use. Please pay for commercial use.
License Info
Commercial licenses
Related Styles

Might try this for my nephews and niece - thank you ๐
Touch Math numbers! Nice!

What a great idea this was! This will be awesome for anyone in school, a parent, or a teacher. Great learning aide ๐
Very creative KG!! Great job ๐