Kreon Font
About Kreon Font
Kreon Font is a Text font and was created on . Since then, it has been downloaded 8,229 times and added to 80 collections. 3 people have liked Kreon Font and given it a thumbs up.
Kreon Font was recently updated on Jun 9, 2013
3 font family styles
Bold Style
truetype 203 glyphs 206 characters
Light Style
truetype 204 glyphs 206 characters
Regular Style
truetype 203 glyphs 206 characters
More info from Julia Petretta
Kreon targets text typesetting for magazines and news sites. With a slight slab-serif look and the low contrast design, it is a sturdy typeface for your website, blog or online magazine. Its friendly feel will soon be accompanied by a sans serif as well as italics. Enjoy.
License Info
SIL Open Font License (OFL)
this is a really good looking font and really classy. thanks for releasing it freely.