Language Info

Sundanese written in Latin script

Below you'll find all the characters used to write this language and all the countries where this language is used.

Alternate Scripts for Sundanese

  • Sundanese can also be written using the Sundanese script

Standard Characters

The minimal characters required for this language

Auxiliary Characters

Additional letters (beyond the minimal set) used in foreign or technical words found in typical magazines, newspapers, etc..

Punctuation Characters

The marks used to separate sentences and to clarify meaning

Unicode Blocks

Sundanese uses characters from the following Unicode blocks


    The worldwide literate language population for Sundanese is 31,269,720 people across 1 countries.


    31,269,720 people
    12.00% literate in Sundanese


    Our data is sourced from a number of places, and we want to give them credit here. We use ISO639 codes for the country codes that support the language.

    1. Unicode CLDR
    2. CLDR Exemplar Characters