Naboo AF Aurebesh Font

Naboo AF Aurebesh Font
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About Naboo AF Aurebesh Font

Naboo AF Aurebesh Font is a Aurebesh font and was created on . Since then, it has been downloaded 960 times and added to 26 collections. 5 people have liked Naboo AF Aurebesh Font and given it a thumbs up.

Regular Style

Naboo AF Aurebesh Regular
postscript 95 glyphs 114 characters
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    A "Naboo Aurebesh" font based on lettering seen throughout the Prequel Trilogy.

    The script first appeared on the consoles of the Naboo Starfighter in The Phantom Menace; next, on advertisements on Coruscant in Attack of the Clones; and finally, on the walls of General Grievous's escape pod, and the lenses of Darth Vader's helmet in Revenge of the Sith.

    The alphabet A-Z is as screen accurate as possible, including 2 variants of several letters between capitals and lowercase. Non-canonical Aurebesh digraphs are included under the Discretionary Ligatures OpenType Feature. The numerals, punctuation, and symbols are likewise created for this font based on the style of the alphabet.

    License Info

    Public Domain



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