Night Sky Font
About Night Sky Font
Night Sky Font is a Sky font and was created on . Since then, it has been downloaded 23,565 times and added to 534 collections. 20 people have liked Night Sky Font and given it a thumbs up.
Night Sky Font was recently updated on Nov 20, 2007
Regular Style
More info from Gregoryfonts
A former Lockergnome font of the week, FontFace font of the day, and a four-bee font. some 1998-99 high school yearbook as the header font (don't know the high school... the advisor's name was David Sumrall and the email he sent ended with "Thanks and God Bless," so I'm guessing it was a small town or a private school. Somewhere in the US, someone is reminiscing fondly over a yearbook with NightSky titles. Competed in the Friday Nite Type Fight and won the week of 2/27-3/5, 1999. In use on this Ace of Base fanpage as well as the website! Wow, someone at Graceful Bee used it as the basis for a lesson in creative lettering! By Jason
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Luv the stars
It looks like the letters are moving! Cute!
creative! for biz