Odaa_Oromo_Font Font
About Odaa_Oromo_Font Font
Odaa_Oromo_Font Font is a Nature Like font and was created on . Since then, it has been downloaded 979 times and added to 14 collections. 2 people have liked Odaa_Oromo_Font Font and given it a thumbs up.
Odaa_Oromo_Font Font was recently updated on Jul 26, 2019
Medium Style

truetype 89 glyphs 138 characters
More info from Oromo Digital Arts
odaa oromo fonts...created by isaac beyene
License Info
Freeware, Non-Commercial
Commercial licenses
Contact the designer to purchase a commercial license, if needed.
Related Styles

almost 9 years ago@isaacbeyene Interesting. Could you provide a little more background information on the font?

almost 9 years ago@isaacbeyene Your font is so cool...is this your first time to make a font??
odaa oromo fonts...enjoy it