Panforte Font

Panforte Font
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About Panforte Font

Panforte Font is a Hipster font and was created on . Since then, it has been downloaded 7,565 times and added to 52 collections. 5 people have liked Panforte Font and given it a thumbs up.

Panforte Font was recently updated on Sep 29, 2016

6 font family styles

Regular Style

Panforte Pro
truetype 726 glyphs 642 characters

Bold Style

Panforte Pro Bold
truetype 727 glyphs 642 characters

Bold Italic Style

Panforte Pro Bold Italic
truetype 729 glyphs 642 characters

Italic Style

Panforte Pro Italic
truetype 730 glyphs 642 characters

Light Style

Panforte Pro Light
truetype 716 glyphs 642 characters

Light Italic Style

Panforte Pro Light Italic
truetype 721 glyphs 642 characters
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    More info from Zetafonts

    Panforte was developed by Debora Manetti as part of her personal research work in hand drawn characters with a vernacular look and feel that can work properly as text fonts at small point sizes and on the web. Hand drawn in easy big strokes, its a very condensed typeface that allows you to typeset easily long texts. Lovers of world cuisine will be delighted to discover that it supports over forty languages using the latin alphabet, spiced with hand-picked diacritics and comes also with a tasty side dish of greek and cyrillic characters.Its grungy, handmade characteristics are visible at medium and high point sizes but do not impact the effect of the font when set in text.
    Panforte Pro is a open type redesign of the original typeface by Cosimo Lorenzo Pancini and Francesco Canovaro that features small case characters, oldstyle numerals and a series of ligatures that help keeping the distinctive handmade look (they can be switched off by unchecking the “standard ligatures” option in your design software).
    All versions of Panforte include some ligature dingbats, accessible by typing the corresponding sequence of characters. For commercial uses you must get a license at:
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    License Info

    Freeware, Non-Commercial


    Commercial licenses

    Contact the designer to purchase a commercial license, if needed.

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