Playoff Font

HENRIavecunK avatar

Designed by

About Playoff Font

Playoff Font is a Sports font and was created on . Since then, it has been downloaded 2,069 times and added to 41 collections. 2 people have liked Playoff Font and given it a thumbs up.

Playoff Font was recently updated on Apr 29, 2016

Display Style

Playoff Display
truetype 140 glyphs 154 characters
    Free Download Share

    More info from HENRIavecunK

    Modern retro display font. Meant for sports logos or art deco signs. Add your own outline if you like.

    You may use this font free for private stuff, but if you use it for a company please pay (it takes quite a lot of hours to make a font, and donations makes it possible).

    Fortunately commercial licenses is starting at 5 USD (That gives you the right to use the font commercially for a small business), slightly bigger companies pay 10 USD, and fortune 500 companies, or or similar, pay 50 USD. Just use the ”donate.htm” file located in the same .zip as this font or the ”donate”-button at the download page. For other uses please contact and you will get a nice quote.

    Thanks for you support.

    License Info

    Freeware, commercial use requires donation


    Commercial licenses

    Contact the designer to purchase a commercial license, if needed.

    Related Styles


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