square kids Font

About square kids Font
square kids Font is a Baby font and was created on . Since then, it has been downloaded 185,048 times and added to 1,196 collections. 32 people have liked square kids Font and given it a thumbs up.
square kids Font was recently updated on Feb 21, 2018
Regular Style

More info from Grafito Design
It is a font created to give the illusion that it is a dice didactic, for a logo for a nursery
Esta fuente fue creada para dar la ilusión de ser un dado didactico, para un logo de una guardería
License Info
Related Styles

tambien puedes escribir asi S+qu-AR+e k-Id-S
You can also write so qu-S + AR + e k-Id-S

Very neat, I've updated the preview based on the suggestions.
Love the font, but does not have the French accents (é, è.. ê. à, ù, ô) anything you can do about it?
Many thanks and keep up the food work!
Perfect , Thank you
How do you make an ! mark?

Cute,, thank you for your hard work
its a cool font