Sweet Getaway Font

About Sweet Getaway Font
Sweet Getaway Font is a Handwriting font and was created on . Since then, it has been downloaded 385,642 times and added to 5,495 collections. 114 people have liked Sweet Getaway Font and given it a thumbs up.
Sweet Getaway Font was recently updated on Mar 7, 2020
Regular Style

More info from Konstantine Studio
By installing or using this demo version you agree to use it as PERSONAL USE ONLY and requires a license for commercial use!
The font license can be purchased at:
Or you can visit us in the other store below :
Sweet Getaway, a hand written font with the fast stroke and ballpoint feels. Contemporary script style that hit the trends nowadays. It would be a perfect mate for branding, logo, fashion stuff, cosmetic, apparel, journal, lookbook, greeting cards, a standout statement, headline, magazine. So versatile, right?
License Info
Commercial licenses
Related Styles

This is whippin’ cool. I’m seeing similar stuff, but I keep turning my head when Sweet Getaway goes by. Nice.

I love it!.

Looks good!


BAD -- demo version only includes lowercase. 😞
@bernicestockstill Thanks! much appreciated! 😄