BroshK Font
About BroshK Font
BroshK Font is a Color font and was created on . Since then, it has been downloaded 45,999 times and added to 587 collections. 21 people have liked BroshK Font and given it a thumbs up.
BroshK Font was recently updated on Feb 10, 2020
Medium Style
More info from gluk
Font BroshK is SVG-in-OT font. OpenType SVG color font (SVG-in-OT) format is proposal for multi-color, vector fonts, and is implemented in Mozilla Firefox (v. >= 26) and Microsoft Edge (v. >= 38.14393). ZIP file contain two fonts: “traditional” font BroshK (in TTF and OTF format) and BroshK (SVG-in-OT) in BroshK_SVG-in-OT directory (WOFF and TTF)
If your program don't support OpenTypeSVG fonts, you can use online SVG images generator:
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Related Styles
great font!!!
Say, this font looks incredible!