About CLAW (BRK) Font
CLAW (BRK) Font is a Display font and was created on . Since then, it has been downloaded 978 times and added to 20 collections. 3 people have liked CLAW (BRK) Font and given it a thumbs up.
CLAW (BRK) Font was recently updated on Jul 29, 2013
2 font family styles
Normal Style
Regular Style
More info from Ænigma Fonts
This font is best used at LARGE point sizes.
I've included 2 CLAW fonts. They're exactly the same but with these
> CLAW 1 - Characters imported into Fontographer. The characters are
a bit larger that CLAW 2's characters.
> CLAW 2 - Characters imported into ScanFont/FontLab. The characters
are a bit more detailed than CLAW 1's characters.
When importing .ai and/or .eps files into ScanFont and FontLab, the
characters show up smaller, but are more detailed. Scaling them within
ScanFont/Fontlab only messes them up (the font is displayed as a
different (default) font in most programs). When importing .ai and/or
.eps files into Fontographer, the character sizes are correct but the
lines and curves are 'Degraded'. You probably won't notice any
differences unless you zoom in really close to the characters of each
font. I just decided to include both fonts.