Creampie Font

About Creampie Font
Creampie Font is a Heart Swash font and was created on . Since then, it has been downloaded 3,625 times and added to 174 collections. 6 people have liked Creampie Font and given it a thumbs up.
Creampie Font was recently updated on Mar 27, 2020
Regular Style

More info from Ef Studio
Creampie is a lovely monoline script with heart swashes.
Features : Beginning and ending swashes
This version of creampie is free for personal use, non-profit, charity, and education.
For commercial use, kindly donate me (pay as you want) as an appreciation. If you want to donate, my PayPal
Every donation is greatly appreciated.
Contact me at
And follow my Instagram for update: @luthfi_ef
Thank you.
FITUR : 3 gaya ekor awal dan akhir
Versi creampie ini gratis untuk penggunaan pribadi, non profit, amal, dan pendidikan.
Untuk penggunaan komersial, silakan donasikan saya (bayar sesuai keinginan) sebagai penghargaan. Jika Anda ingin menyumbang, silahkan hubungi saya memalui email
Setiap donasi sangat dihargai.
ikuti Instagram saya untuk update font terbaru: @luthfi_ef
Terima kasih.