FHA Mod Tuscan Roman NCV Font

FHA Mod Tuscan Roman NCV Font
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About FHA Mod Tuscan Roman NCV Font

FHA Mod Tuscan Roman NCV Font is a Tattoo font and was created on . Since then, it has been downloaded 51,550 times and added to 607 collections. 8 people have liked FHA Mod Tuscan Roman NCV Font and given it a thumbs up.

FHA Mod Tuscan Roman NCV Font was recently updated on Jul 26, 2019

4 font family styles

Regular Style

FHA Mod Tuscan Roman Open  NCV
truetype 328 glyphs 479 characters

FHA Modified Tuscan Roman NCV Style

FHA Modified Tuscan Roman NCV
truetype 328 glyphs 479 characters

FHA Spur Tuscan Roman NCV Style

FHA Spur Tuscan Roman NCV
truetype 317 glyphs 468 characters

FHA Spur Tuscan Roman Open NCV Style

FHA Spur Tuscan Roman Open NCV
truetype 330 glyphs 468 characters
    Free Download Share

    More info from the Fontry

    FHA Tuscan Roman - Modified, Spurred and Open Faced

    For the full commercial version please go to The Fontry:

    or, MyFonts: http://www.myfonts.com/fonts/fontry-west/fha-tuscan-roman/

    or Font Spring: https://www.fontspring.com/account/vendors/families/edit/FWST1145261

    The first Tuscan lettering was penned in the mid-fourth century by the calligrapher Furius Dionysius Filocalus. The style was still in common usage as calligraphy when Vincent Figgins designed the first Antique Tuscan for print in 1817. Antique and Gothic Tuscan woodtype fonts appeared in the 1830’s. By the 1850’s, Tuscan fonts had become popular in America. These styles continued in print use into the twentieth century.

    Tuscan Antique and Gothic styles, borrowed from print and calligraphy, were perfect for signs, posters, handbills and other large format advertising. Sign painter, Frank Atkinson demonstrated several Tuscan forms in his book Sign Painting, A Complete Manual. Modified & Spurred Tuscan Romans were inspired by this and other works of the same period.

    License Info

    Freeware, Non-Commercial


    Commercial licenses

    Contact the designer to purchase a commercial license, if needed.

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