Hussar Font
About Hussar Font
Hussar Font is a Bold font and was created on . Since then, it has been downloaded 28,998 times and added to 305 collections. 21 people have liked Hussar Font and given it a thumbs up.
Hussar Font was recently updated on Feb 6, 2017
4 font family styles
Bold Style
Hussar BdObl Style
Preview Bold Style
Preview Bold Oblique Style
More info from KineticPlasma Fonts
This is a Preview of an upcoming update for Hussar, with new characters and a few fixes of minor issues. The main version will include more variations than this preview version.
Update: Version 2.29 RC2, Several new character designs, tons of new characters, and various fixes. Webfont kit including TTF, EOT, WOFF, WOFF2, and SVG formats, webfonts are version 2.21 as version 2.27 snafued while attempting to generate them. Source Files are in the FontForge SFD format.
A detailed list of design changes is included in txt format.
License Info
Related Styles
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