Jane Roe Font

Jane Roe Font
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About Jane Roe Font

Jane Roe Font is a Condensed font and was created on . Since then, it has been downloaded 1,498 times and added to 38 collections. 1 people have liked Jane Roe Font and given it a thumbs up.

Jane Roe Font was recently updated on Jul 26, 2019

4 font family styles

Bold Style

Jane Roe Bold
truetype 182 glyphs 193 characters

Bold Italic Style

Jane Roe Bold Italic
truetype 181 glyphs 192 characters

Light Style

Jane Roe Light
truetype 182 glyphs 193 characters

Light Italic Style

Jane Roe Light Italic
truetype 181 glyphs 192 characters
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    More info from deFharo

    Jane Roe is a family of 10 Sans Serif condensed fonts of geometric construction and neo-Gothic style, a friendly typography with maximum readability, specially drawn for the composition of texts of any size for both printing and screen, signage or headlines and where you need savings in horizontal space.
    This typeface contrasts its neutral aspect with the humanistic modulation of the antlers in the characters, giving the opportunity to compose texts adaptable to any context and concept.
    The typeface includes small letters with support for Latin Extended-A, dynamic fractions, several set of numbers, etc. Look at the PDF with all the functions.
    FULL & COMMERCIAL VERSIONS: https://defharo.com/fonts/jane-roe/

    License Info

    Freeware, Non-Commercial


    Commercial licenses

    Contact the designer to purchase a commercial license, if needed.

    Related Styles


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