JetLag Eaten Font

JetLag Eaten Font
moonmoth design avatar

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About JetLag Eaten Font

JetLag Eaten Font is a Clouds font and was created on . Since then, it has been downloaded 3,172 times and added to 43 collections. 7 people have liked JetLag Eaten Font and given it a thumbs up.

JetLag Eaten Font was recently updated on Mar 25, 2020

2 font family styles

Eaten Style

postscript 101 glyphs 153 characters

Bold Eaten Style

postscript 101 glyphs 153 characters
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    More info from moonmoth design

    the pasta font prototypes improperly stored; so it's back to the drawing board. if you want something done right, ask someone you can blackmail. might be some usages for this design. Bleach commercials? Mouse trap packaging? Cloud computing user manuals?

    Have managed to get myself incarcerated in Milan. (Nice view of the city from my cell, by the way. Am considering developing a striped font- now that i have some time on my hands.)

    It has been said: never try to bribe a castrato with cheese. And I never have. But how was I to know that there's a corrolary to that adage involving carbon credits and tax collectors. Luckily I've got Cardinal Vespucci to vouch for my honor and/or sense of humor. Unfortunately he's in the Seychelles for the weekend and has turned off his cell.

    All this because I'm driven to educate pasta eaters. Too bad people don't read the back of a vermicelli package like they would a corn flakes box. Alphabet soup remains my one hope

    License Info

    SIL Open Font License (OFL)

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