PlantsLetters Font
About PlantsLetters Font
PlantsLetters Font is a Plants font and was created on . Since then, it has been downloaded 117,909 times and added to 652 collections. 26 people have liked PlantsLetters Font and given it a thumbs up.
PlantsLetters Font was recently updated on Jul 25, 2019
Regular Style

License Info
Commercial licenses
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loved it!!!


soooo pretty!
Nice. Reminds me of spring

cool font

I was going to use this font for a science assesment. the title is investigating photosynthesis, but the investigating comes out like.......
Inves tigating and the photosynthesis comes out like.......
photo synthe sis :(
its a shame cus i really liked this font 😞

For the S issue, a pain, but for a work around, fix the character spacing afterwards to pull it together.

@stephcarson cool

there are some issues with the font but its absolutely gorgeous! Im thinking about using it on my art project.