UT Manricho Font

About UT Manricho Font
UT Manricho Font is a Luxury font and was created on . Since then, it has been downloaded 255 times and added to 3 collections. 0 people have liked UT Manricho Font and given it a thumbs up.
UT Manricho Font was recently updated on Dec 18, 2024
Regular Style

More info from Universitype
Imagine a font that exudes confidence, sophistication, and a hint of elegance. A font that’s as refined as a fine perfume, and just as alluring. Introducing UT Manricho, the perfect blend of style and substance. UT Manricho font is a modern, elegant sans serif font with a unique and distinctive character. The font’s design is clean, simple, and highly legible, making it suitable for a wide range of applications, including digital and print media.