Delius Swash Caps Font
About Delius Swash Caps Font
Delius Swash Caps Font is a Print font and was created on . Since then, it has been downloaded 25,190 times and added to 344 collections. 19 people have liked Delius Swash Caps Font and given it a thumbs up.
Delius Swash Caps Font was recently updated on Aug 31, 2011
Regular Style
More info from Natalia Raices
Delius Swash Caps is part of a high quality comic book lettering typeface super-family. It has special uppercase letters for special uses, such as in titles and logos. It has companion families, Delius and Delius Unicase.
Delius is based on the handwriting that the artist María Delia Lozupone (whose pseudonym is Delius) uses when she letters her own comic books. The same tool that she uses to write (a big round marker) was used to define Delius's stroke and ductus.
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my name is better than yours!!
i love this <3 its really goood 😃
Love this font!! It's my new fave!! Thank you!!
Really cute font, and thanks for making it commercial friendly 😄
Very nice font, cannot wait to use it! Thank you.