Impossible Font
About Impossible Font
Impossible Font is a Mission Impossible font and was created on . Since then, it has been downloaded 28,686 times and added to 230 collections. 10 people have liked Impossible Font and given it a thumbs up.
Impossible Font was recently updated on Dec 11, 2006
7 font family styles
Regular Style
truetype 225 glyphs 228 characters
minus 30 Regular Style
truetype 225 glyphs 228 characters
plus 30 Regular Style
truetype 225 glyphs 228 characters
50 Regular Style
truetype 225 glyphs 228 characters
Impossible - 1000 Style
truetype 225 glyphs 228 characters
Impossible - 500 Style
truetype 225 glyphs 228 characters
Impossible - Selfdestruct Style
truetype 225 glyphs 228 characters
License Info
This is one of my favourites.