Just Breathe Font
About Just Breathe Font
Just Breathe Font is a Mac font and was created on . Since then, it has been downloaded 22,734 times and added to 195 collections. 10 people have liked Just Breathe Font and given it a thumbs up.
10 font family styles
Regular Style

Bd Style

BdObl7 Style

BdObl3 Style

Obl5 Style

Obl4 Style

Obl1 Style

Obl7 Style

Obl3 Style

Obl2 Style

More info from KineticPlasma Fonts
This is an Open Source handwriting style font with a large character set, including parts of Latin extended, and basic Cyrillic character sets.
License Info
Related Styles

@LordZeDD Not sure of the context of your comment, but this font is named after a song.

because so many variables from the source?

@LordZeDD We often make many weights for my fonts, only a couple of our designs have only 1 or 2 weights.
This font has a small number of weights compared to some of our other fonts actually.

@LordZeDD I meant *our* fonts, the autocorrect on my phone messed that up.

This source've designed for android KitKat and lollipop and are only required and were only needed less than 5

@LordZeDD Very Nice. More weights would be even better 😉
because so many families?