Trueno Font

KineticPlasma Fonts avatar

About Trueno Font

Trueno Font is a Toyota font and was created on . Since then, it has been downloaded 137,181 times and added to 1,216 collections. 39 people have liked Trueno Font and given it a thumbs up.

Trueno Font was recently updated on Mar 30, 2020

22 font family styles

Light Style

Trueno Light
postscript 370 glyphs 357 characters

Light Italic Style

Trueno Light Italic
postscript 370 glyphs 357 characters

Regular Style

postscript 369 glyphs 357 characters

Regular Italic Style

postscript 369 glyphs 357 characters

SemiBold Style

Trueno SemiBold
postscript 530 glyphs 384 characters

SemiBold Italic Style

Trueno SemiBold Italic
postscript 530 glyphs 384 characters

Bold Style

Trueno Bold
postscript 369 glyphs 357 characters

Bold Italic Style

Trueno Bold Italic
postscript 369 glyphs 357 characters

ExtraBold Style

Trueno ExtraBold
postscript 530 glyphs 384 characters

ExtraBold Italic Style

Trueno ExtraBold Italic
postscript 530 glyphs 384 characters

Black Style

Trueno Black
postscript 369 glyphs 357 characters

Black Italic Style

Trueno Black Italic
postscript 369 glyphs 357 characters

Black Outline Style

Trueno Black Outline
postscript 369 glyphs 357 characters

Black Outline Italic Style

Trueno Black Outline Italic
postscript 369 glyphs 357 characters

Bold Outline Style

Trueno Bold Outline
postscript 369 glyphs 357 characters

Bold Outline Italic Style

Trueno Bold Outline Italic
postscript 369 glyphs 357 characters

ExtraBold Outline Style

Trueno ExtraBold Outline
postscript 530 glyphs 384 characters

ExtraBold Outline Italic Style

Trueno ExtraBold Outline Italic
postscript 530 glyphs 384 characters

UltraBlack Style

Trueno UltraBlack
postscript 369 glyphs 357 characters

UltraBlack Italic Style

Trueno UltraBlack Italic
postscript 369 glyphs 357 characters

UltraLight Style

Trueno UltraLight
postscript 530 glyphs 384 characters

UltraLight Italic Style

Trueno UltraLight Italic
postscript 530 glyphs 384 characters
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    More info from KineticPlasma Fonts

    This is a Fork from the Open Source font, Montserrat, licensed under the SIL Open Font License, with several new styles.

    Forked by our newest designer, Jasper.

    Update: version 3.001b. Adds New UltraBlack weight plus matching italic, improved file sizes, minor fixes in font information sections of all weights.

    License Info

    SIL Open Font License (OFL)

    Related Styles


    user avatar
    almost 8 years ago

    Love having all the styles available. Thanks!

    user avatar
    3 years ago

    Problem! If you install Trueno Regular, then Trueno Regular Italic, it does the "this font is already installed" thing and if you continue Settings>Fonts shows only Trueno Regular Italic, and C:\Windows\Fonts loses Trueno entirely and Adobe apps lose access to Trueno Regular; Word, when you select Trueno (and do NOT select the italic typeface) will provide a Regular Italic font.

    user avatar
    almost 3 years ago

    How can one get a commercial license for this font?